"Rosemont will talk about the conflict between these superpowers from a critical, Confucian perspective," said John Schroeder, associate professor of philosophy at SMCM. "The economies of China and America are linked in a global economy and this competition affects all Americans."
Rosemont is a professor emeritus at SMCM where he worked for over 30 years. Currently he is a Distinguished Lecturer at Brown University. He has a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Washington. His areas of research and writing are Chinese philosophy and religion, early Confucianism, moral and political theory, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of language.
Some of Rosemont's books include A Chinese Mirror (1991), Rationality & Religious Experience (2001), and the forthcoming Radical Confucianism (2007). From 1982-84, and again in 1993-94 he was Fulbright Senior Professor of Philosophy and Linguistics at Fudan University in Shanghai, where he is currently Senior Consulting Professor.
The talk is free and open to the public and is sponsored by SMCM's Asian Studies Program and Asian Studies Club.