When the granting opportunity became available, Sheriff Zylak identified the need for a Mobile Command Center (MCC). A grant application was submitted and approved. The funding for the project was received in Fiscal Year 2006. The Sheriff's Department did not disclose the amount of the grant or the cost of the MCC.
The MCC will allow the Sheriff's Office to respond to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) incidents with the ability to establish an on-scene command post from which they can coordinate and manage the various first responders. Additionally, the MCC increases the Sheriff Department's ability to sustain continuous operations over extended periods of time given a disruption to any of their primary facilities.
The MCC has been delivered and is currently being outfitted by NAVAIR in St. Inigoes, MD. The St. Inigoes facility performs many tasks including the design, integration, and installation of sophisticated communications systems for the White House, various Special Operations commands, and Navy ships. The St. Inigoes operation was previously known as the Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Activity (NESEA) before a long series of realignments brought about by the BRAC process.