American University
4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
(202) 885-1000
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American University was chartered by an Act of Congress in 1893 and founded under the auspices of the United Methodist Church.[ Last Updated: 15-May-2003 | Hits: 146 | Reader Comments Report Problem
George Washington University
2121 Eye Street
(202) 994-4949
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Founded in 1821 and chartered by the United States Congress, GW is the largest institution of higher education in the nation's capital. Though the University is more than 180 years old, it continues to generate creative energy, breaking down the boundaries between disciplines and the divide between academia and the world at large. You'll find GW has a great deal to offer. We have nine major schools, offering hundreds of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs. Many of these plug into (and give you entree to) the extraordinary world of Washington the political, policy, and research centers that move our country and the world.[ Last Updated: 15-May-2003 | Hits: 165 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Georgetown University
37th and O Streets, NW
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Founded in 1789, the same year the U.S. Constitution took effect, Georgetown University is the nation's oldest Catholic and Jesuit university. Today, Georgetown is a major international research university that embodies its founding principles in the diversity of our students, faculty, and staff, our commitment to justice and the common good, our intellectual openness, and our international character.[ Last Updated: 15-May-2003 | Hits: 145 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Howard University
2400 Sixth Street, NW
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Howard University is a comprehensive, research-oriented, historically Black private university providing an educational experience of exceptional quality to students of high academic potential with particular emphasis upon the provision of educational opportunities to promising Black students. Further, the University is dedicated to attracting and sustaining a cadre of faculty who are, through their teaching and research, committed to the development of distinguished and compassionate graduates and to the quest for solutions to human and social problems in the United States and throughout the world.[ Last Updated: 15-May-2003 | Hits: 117 | Reader Comments Report Problem