This section contains information on scholarships that are offered on a statewide basis in Maryland. Since there is more competition, they may be harder to obtain than are local programs.
If your local business or organization offers a scholarship for Maryland students, and you are not listed here, please contact us with the applicable information.
Dwight P. Jacobus Scholarship
The Dwight P. Jacobus Scholarships were established by the Association of School Business Officials of Maryland and the District of Columbia to assist those citizens of the State and/or District who require financial assistance to secure a college education. Scholarships are awarded to deserving undergraduate students pursuing a career in Business or Education at an accredited institution of higher education within Maryland or the District of Columbia. Dwight P. Jacobus was the first Executive Director of ASBO.Six scholarships may be awarded each year. At least one scholarship will be awarded to an individual enrolled in an approved program leading to teacher certification. Each scholarship has a value of $1,000 for the school year awarded; to be paid directly to the school in which the recipient is enrolled.
[ Last Updated: 31-Jan-2007 | Hits: 142 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Kid's Chance of Maryland, Inc. Scholarships
P.O. Box 20262
Every year, 3.5 million people are disabled by on-the-job injuries. Another 5,000 lose their lives. It's the families and, in particular, the children who are many times forgotten when these losses occur. Kids' Chance provides an opportunity for these children to pursue their education, reach their goals, and fulfill their dreams for the future.Scholarships are available for children who have had a parent permanently or catastrophically injured or killed in an employment-related accident compensable under the Maryland Workers' Compensation Act. Children must be Maryland residents between the ages of 16 and 25. The parent's death or injury must have resulted in a substantial decline in the family income.
Visit the website for more information or to download the application.
[ Last Updated: 31-Jan-2007 | Hits: 80 | Reader Comments Report Problem