Merkle Wildlife Sanctuary
11704 Fenno Road
Upper Marlboro,
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Merkle Wildlife Sanctuary is the only wildlife sanctuary operated by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. It is the wintering ground for several thousand Canada geese, the largest concentration on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay. The sanctuary was named after Edgar Merkle (1900-1984), an active conservationist who devoted much of his life to protecting and providing for wildlife. Many knew him as the founder of Merkle Press in Washington, D.C. (1936), and others knew him as the originator of a goose breeding plan to introduce Canada geese to the western shores of Maryland (1932). Starting with a handful of breeding pairs, a great deal of perseverance, and a habitat improvement plan in mind, Mr. Merkle eventually encouraged thousands of geese to visit the 400-acre Merkle farm to feed and rest. In 1970, the Merkles sold their land, including some donated parcles, to the state. With the acquisition of adjoining tracts, the wildlife refuge now encompasses 1,670 acres.[ Last Updated: 02-Jun-2003 | Hits: 418 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Myrtle Grove Wildlife Management Area
5625 Myrtle Grove Road
La Plata,
(301) 743-5161
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Nestled within the forested bottomlands of Mattawoman Creek, Myrtle Grove was once home to the Piscataway Indians. Today, its 1410 acres of gently rolling hills of forests and fields along with natural and man-made wetlands, invite outdoor lovers to enjoy the wildlife and natural beauty of rural Charles County. Myrtle Grove WMA is located in Charles County about 5 miles west of LaPlata on MD 225. Take U.S. Rt. 301 south to MD 225, about 5 miles south of Waldorf. Go west on MD 225 to Myrtle Grove WMA. For additional information contact the Myrtle Grove Work Center at (301) 743-5161.[ Last Updated: 01-May-2011 | Hits: 1036 | Reader Comments Report Problem
National Zoological Park
3001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
202-673-4800 (24hr Info)
TTY: 202-673-7800
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The Zoo is a beautiful urban park offering families fun and excitement, stimulating education programs, and a peaceful place to enjoy nature. The 163-acre park in the heart of Washington, D.C., is home to a wonderfully diverse animal collection, ranging from hummingbirds to elephants.[ Last Updated: 09-Apr-2009 | Hits: 691 | Reader Comments Report Problem