Court of Special Appeals of Maryland
361 Rowe Boulevard
Robert C. Murphy Courts of Appeal Building
TTY: (410) 260-1553
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The Court of Special Appeals is the second highest court in Maryland. Like the State's highest court, the Court of Special Appeals is an appellate court. It was established in 1966 to ease the caseload of the Court of Appeals and to facilitate resolution of cases requiring appellate adjudication. Composed of thirteen judges, members of the Court of Special Appeals are appointed by the Governor with Senate consent for ten-year terms, subject to approval of the voters at the next election after their appointment. The Court of Special Appeals has exclusive initial appellate jurisdiction over any reviewable judgment, decree, order, or other action of a circuit court, except for appeals in criminal cases in which the death penalty is imposed.[ Last Updated: 30-May-2003 | Hits: 150 | Reader Comments Report Problem