EMS Explorer Post 60
10700 Billingsley Rd
White Plains,
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EMS Explorer Post 60 is sponsored by the Charles County Mobile Intensive Care Unit (CCMICU) in White Plains, Maryland, and is part of the Western Shore District, National Capital Area Council, Boy Scouts of America. Our goals are to connect youth to the community by helping them learn the skills needed during emergencies or disasters, such as first aid and emergency communication. Explorers help guide the program structure by identifying community organizations and activities that interest them. Leadership and teamwork are natural parts of this process.
EMS Explorer Post 60 is open to youth and young adults aged 14-20 who have completed 8th grade. No prospective participant shall be disqualified because of race, color, creed, or sex. All participants must be enrolled as Explorers and agree to the Post bylaws. Post 60 generally meets on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month, 4-6pm, with outings and activities scheduled outside of regular meetings.
Explorer Post 60 is on Facebook. For more information on the Exploring program, visit www.exploring.org.
[ Last Updated: 10-Jan-2019 | Hits: 89 | Reader Comments Report Problem