4th Annual Beer Fest at Historic St. Mary's City
Saturday, June 21, Noon-6pm
Historic St. Mary’s City Museum
Run, walk, boat or drive to join us! Highlights of Beer Fest include live music from John Luskey, The 25th Hour Band and the Justin Myles Experience, Brewer and Cider-making Demonstrations, and Tours of Van Sweringen’s Ordinary (one of Maryland’s first taverns). Artisans will have select offerings for sale and fun activities for the youngsters may be found at the Kid’s Tent. Great fun requires great food! Visitors will have the opportunity to sample local cuisine while tasting beers from craft brewers such as Ruddy Duck, Brewers Alley, Flying Dog, Du Claw, Molly’s Brewery and The Raven. They’ll be homebrew demonstrations courtesy of the Hollywood Hop Heads brew club and Danny's Homebrew! All enjoyed from the scenic grounds of the Historic State House, overlooking the St. Mary’s River.Admission is $20 for tasters, $10 for designated drivers and free for children ages 12 and under. Parking is free. This event is a fundraiser to support the education and research activities of the museum. For more information, call Historic St Mary’s City Foundation at 240-895-4977, or visit www.stmaryscitybeerfest.org
[ Last Updated: 30-Jun-2014 | Hits: 252 | Reader Comments Report Problem