3rd Annual Price of Freedom Music Fest
Saturday, June 28
7th District Optimist Field, Avenue, Md.
4pm - midnight
This year the Music Fest will benefit the Southern Maryland Fireman Association and A.C.T.S. "A Community That Shares." ACTS supplies in-home medical equipment to those in need. All Military Vets/Active Duty and kids 12 & under admitted free. Come listen to the sounds of Sam Grow Band, and No Green Jelly Beenz. Tickets are $12 online and $15 at the gate. No coolers. Bring a chair and a friend. Spread the Word! Visit http://www.7thdistrictoptimist.org/events.html for more information and to buy tickets.[ Last Updated: 30-Jun-2014 | Hits: 1384 | Reader Comments Report Problem