Southern Maryland Roller Derby
1282 Smallwood Drive, West, #276
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Southern Maryland's first all female flat track roller derby league!Southern Maryland Roller Derby, Inc. (SMRD) is a women's flat track roller derby league that trains to create competitive roller derby teams. SMRD provides a safe and supportive environment for a diversity of people that fosters acceptance, respect, camaraderie, self esteem, athleticism, and good sports(wo)manship. As athletes and ambassadors, we gladly provide information about the sport to the community and strive to be encouraging role models. SMRD continues to support and give back to our community by volunteering, donating, and fundraising for local non-profit charities.
We always welcome new skaters, referees, non-skating officials and volunteers. Have questions about roller derby? Stay tuned to our website for up and coming Q&A sessions in your area. From Charles to Calvert to St. Mary's county.
[ Last Updated: 14-Feb-2014 | Hits: 1290 | Reader Comments Report Problem