Truth Bible Church
23725 Three Notch Road, Ste 201
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Truth Bible Church is a new non-denominational church in Southern Maryland that is comprised of Bible believing Christians that are committed to "loving God supremely, serving people sincerely, and reaching the lost urgently."
We invite you to join us every Sunday at 9am (Adult Bible Study/Children's TruthQuest) and 10am (Worship Service) at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center (Building 1, 44219 Airport Road, California MD 20619)
We believe the Bible is inspired, without error, clear, and fully sufficient as God's Word to transform lives today. We believe in the Biblical gospel (good news) that Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, died a sacrificial death, and was raised victoriously from the dead in order to provide us righteousness to enter heaven, forgiveness of sins to avoid hell, and eternal life that enjoys a personal relationship with our Creator now and forever. We believe all men are sinners and must repent and receive this good news by faith—trusting Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord in order to be forgiven and saved from God's coming wrath.
Our Pastor, Chad Laird, is a graduate from the Master's Seminary ( and would be happy to answer any questions you have about TBC by email or phone.
[ Last Updated: 17-May-2016 | Hits: 843 | Reader Comments Report Problem