Port Tobacco River Conservancy
P.O. Box 104
Port Tobacco,
Contact via E-Mail
The Port Tobacco River Conservancy (PTRC) works with businesses, residents, local and state governments, and other conservation groups to restore and protect the river and streams in the watershed. The PTRC balances restoration and protection with economic-development concerns and the value of its river and watershed to both the local and state economies.The PTRC envisions that the Port Tobacco River and its 30,000-acre watershed will be in a nearly pristine condition, as it was in the 1950s. The river will have clear and navigable waters, be rich in fish and wildlife, and safe to the thousands of residents and visitors that use the river and streams for swimming, water sports, hunting and fishing, or just enjoying the beauty of this natural and historical resource.
The PTRC, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, began in 2001 after a small group of county citizens – who were concerned about sewage overflows from the La Plata Waste Water Treatment Plant into the Port Tobacco River watershed – decided to join forces. But that catalyst soon grew into a broader focus: returning the river and watershed to healthier conditions for both native species and the next generation.
[ Last Updated: 02-Feb-2011 | Hits: 216 | Reader Comments Report Problem