Bunnies and Ducklings and Babies, Oh My!
Bella Photography will be holding their LIVE Bunny & Baby Duck Mini Sessions, Saturday March 19th and Saturday, March 26th at their studio in Waldorf. In addition to the LIVE Bella Bunnies they will also have LIVE Baby Ducks! Don’t miss out on this fabulous opportunity to have your child photographed with a Real Live Bunny or Duckling! Your fun and relaxed session will last 15-30 minutes, depending on the option you chose. This Limited Edition Portrait opportunity will book quickly so don't delay! Don't fight the crowds at the retail chain studios, with their No Wait Guarantee, if your photographer is not snapping photos within 5 minutes of your scheduled appointment time, your entire session is FREE! Due to high demand and limited availability appointments are required. For additional information and to reserve your session CLICK HERE to view their Facebook Page or visit their website. Contact the studio directly at 888-623-5550.
[ Last Updated: 28-Mar-2011 | Hits: 3537 | Reader Comments Report Problem