Christian Fellowship of Calvert
2317 West Mount Harmony Rd.
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Our purpose is to invite people into membership in Christ's family, and help them to grow in Christian maturity. We strive to provide inspiring opportunities to magnify God's name.
Everything we do is designed to bring glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is because of God's great love for us that He sent His beloved Son Jesus Christ to die in our place and to set us free from the terrible consequences of our wrong choices. People matter so much to God that he continues to offer forgiveness and eternal life to those who ask for it, and confess Jesus as Lord.
We want you to know that you matter that much to us also. Experience the joy of God's forgiveness and enjoy having a personal worship experience with God this very day.
[ Last Updated: 19-Apr-2015 | Hits: 999 | Reader Comments Report Problem