Calvert County Office on Aging
450 West Dares Beach Road
Prince Frederick,
FAX: 410-535-1903
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The mission of the Calvert County Office on Aging is to enable senior citizens to avail themselves of a full range of services and programs in order to maintain the best quality of life possible. The Office on Aging is a single point of contact for seniors to obtain information and services related to nutrition, socialization, health insurance, long term care, physical fitness, mental health, continued education, insurance, taxes, transportation, cultural enrichment, hobbies, and crafts. When necessary or appropriate, the Office on Aging will work with friends, relatives, and other agencies who may be in need of advice and assistance on behalf of a particular senior. Older persons are encouraged to maintain their independence as long as possible in the community setting. When alternative living arrangements are needed, the Office on Aging staff is able to assist in identifying possible appropriate placement. Efforts are directed towards providing a full range of opportunities and assistance, which will assist in perpetuating the seniors’ dignity as human beings and enhancing their feelings of well being.[ Last Updated: 16-Sep-2013 | Hits: 1633 | Reader Comments Report Problem