Mount Carmel Monastery
5678 Mount Carmel Road
La Plata,
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The monastery was founded in 1790 by four Carmelite nuns. It was the first monastery of religious women in Colonial America. The monastery is still the active home of the discalced Carmelite Nuns of the Carmel of Port Tobacco. The Carmelite life is a call to prayer, tempered with hard work and shared community. As there is a great need in the Church for both Marys and Marthas, the Carmelite is called to be that Mary—serving the Church by prayerfully sitting at the feet of our Lord. She is the intercessor in an age that cries out for intercession.
The public is invited to visit the monastery. The grounds and the church are open to all. Mass is held daily at 7:15 a.m. in the red brick church. There is also a gift shop that is filled with religious and informational items as well as objects that are hand-crafted by several of the nuns. The nuns rely solely on the generosity of the public for their survival. The gift shop is one source of revenue for them. The shop is often not staffed and works on the honor system. So, be sure to bring plenty of small bills or you can also write a personal check.
The nuns spend most of their day sequestered so that they can tend to their primary mission of prayer and intercession. They are happy to receive prayer requests. You can use the on-line contact link or write to them at the address provided. When visiting the Monastery, you may leave items or communications for the nuns via a turnstile that is located inside the building.