New Beginnings Christian Worship Center
45200 Happyland Rd
Valley Lee,
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If you are looking for a new beginning, this is the place. There is room here for you and we invite you come be a part of what God is birthing. The New Beginnings Christian Worship Center offers sound biblical teaching in a relaxed and comfortable setting. We invite you to come, worship with us. We are a congregation of all ages, from different backgrounds with a common denominator in that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. He is our rehabilitator, our restorer, our healer, and our deliverer. We are a ministry designed to teach the gospel of peace, love and unity to those in need of finding that which only God can give.Service Times: The Believers Sunday School 9:30 am. Sunday Morning Worship -10:30 am. The Power of Knowledge Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Circle of Glory Woman's Outreach Ministry luncheon/meeting every other month on the 3rd Friday from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Men Empowered Now M.E.N. Outreach Ministry breakfast/meeting every other month on the 3rd Saturday from 9:30 am to 11:30 am.
[ Last Updated: 26-Oct-2008 | Hits: 1484 | Reader Comments Report Problem