Flag Ponds Nature Park
1525 Flag Ponds Parkway
410-586-1477 (info)
410-535-5327 (reservations)
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Named after the abundant Blue Flag Iris, this parkland has been set aside by the County to preserve a portion of the natural beauty of the area. There are a variety of trails through the park - a half-mile trail to the beach and a fishing pier - longer trails through the park to two freshwater ponds. The area had been a sheltered harbor, supporting a fishery. One of the fishermen's shanties still remains, housing an exhibit on the Chesapeake's old-time fishing industry.If you take the several trails through the wooded area, you are likely to meet woodchucks, rabbits, and raccoons that inhabit the preserve. You can also see an occasional bald eagle, as well as ducks and other water fowl.
[ Last Updated: 23-Mar-2014 | Hits: 1990 | Reader Comments Report Problem