Crossroad Christian Church
150 Ball Road
Suite 200
St. Leonard,
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The congregation and ministry of the Crossroad Christian Church extend a warm welcome to all visitors! We pray that you will leave with the same peace and joy that are ours as we serve our Lord Jesus Christ. Our church is Spirit-filled, interdenominational, and evangelical. Our love for Christ and our community motivate us to continually keep God's vision before us.The Scripture clearly states, "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18a). God has always been faithful to unfold His plan as we grow and expand our horizons.
As the pastor of this local body, I cordially invite you to become a part of the vision here and to find your place in His overall plan, spreading the Good News! Pastor Shawn Holcomb.
[ Last Updated: 27-Jun-2012 | Hits: 2352 | Reader Comments Report Problem