Dr. Gustavus Brown Elementary School
421 University Drive
FAX: 301-374-9489
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There were two Dr. Gustavus Richard Browns - father and son. The elder Dr. Brown was born in Scotland, and came to Maryland in 1708. He worked as a physician in the Nanjemoy area of Charles County. He was also a judge. His son, the more famous Dr. Brown, after whom the school was named, was born in Charles County on October 17, 1747. He, too, was a physician, who practiced across southern Maryland and Virginia. Like his father, he too was a judge. Dr. Brown was called to the bedside of President George Washington during his last illness. Dr. Gustavus Richard Brown, Jr. was known to be a skillful gardener. He is also described as a scholar, a wise philosopher, a patriotic citizen, a generous friend, an elegant gentleman, and a hospitable neighbor.[ Last Updated: 21-Feb-2016 | Hits: 180 | Reader Comments Report Problem