10290 H.G. Trueman Road
Mailing: P.O. Box 1276, Solomons, MD 20688
FAX: 410-326-0035
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SMILE is an ecumenical community outreach ministry committed to service in Christ's name. The charity is comprised of seven churches in southern Calvert County whose purpose is to establish and operate an ecumenical ministry to enable people of all denominations to work together to provide food, clothing, and other forms of assistance and support for those in need. Our programs are: Thrift Shop and Jack's Junque Closet, Food Pantry, Holiday Meals and Food Baskets (Thanksgiving and Christmas), Life Styles Ministry, and Ecumenical Worship (Lent, Good Friday "Way-of-the-Cross" Procession, Thanksgiving, and Galilean services). SMILE is the acronym for 'Service Makes Individual Lives Exciting". Volunteers are always welcome. "We Are Partners Working Together For God." (1 Cor.3:9)[ Last Updated: 28-Feb-2007 | Hits: 1089 | Reader Comments Report Problem