Patuxent Friends Meeting
12185 Southern Connector Blvd
P.O. Box 536
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Patuxent Friends Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends was established in 1980 on a strong current of Quaker Universalism. As Quakers, or Friends, we believe that God is present in every person. We have no formal creed, ritual, dogma, or liturgy. We maintain an unprogrammed Meeting for Worship, during which we gather in Silence to listen attentively and expectantly for Divine Guidance. As we are led and called upon by the Inner Spirit, we share messages aloud out of the Silence. Meeting for Worship is held from 10am-11am on Sundays. All are welcome, including children who can attend Meeting for Worship or our concurrent First Day School program.[ Last Updated: 08-Nov-2019 | Hits: 478 | Reader Comments Report Problem