Society Hill Garden Club of Breton Bay
Contact via E-Mail
The Society Hill Garden Club of Breton Bay is a gardening-passionate group of residents living in the neighborhoods along Bull Road and in Avenmar, in Leonardtown, including life-long natives and the newly arrived. Club meetings from September through June feature light refreshments, followed by short programs on various gardening topics and a club business meeting. The club holds an annual Mulch Sale in March with proceeds being used in the community. The club owns and maintains Breton Bay signs which provide community announcements, and is involved in other community improvement projects. Meetings are held at members' homes on the evening of the first Monday of each month. Guests are welcome to attend and residents living in the neighborhood are welcome to join. Call for current meeting information or view our blog.[ Last Updated: 20-Jul-2011 | Hits: 207 | Reader Comments Report Problem