Alcoholics Anonymous, Southern Maryland Intergroup
P.O. Box 767
Charlotte Hall,
Contact via E-Mail
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) assists alcoholics who have a desire to stop drinking.
AA Area 29 consists of the entire state of Maryland, with the exception of Prince George's County and Montgomery County, which are in Area 13. The Maryland Area has 10 intergroup offices and 47 districts. The Southern Maryland Intergroup serves the tri-county area. Calvert Co. is District 1, Charles County is District 35, and St. Mary's County is District 36. A.A. group meeting lists are typically managed by the local Central Office or Intergroup. In addition, some districts also maintain a current list of meetings for their local area.
The AA Answering Service (1-800-492-0209) has access to phone numbers and addresses of Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon services in the Tri-County area.
The Southern Maryland Intergroup currently meets on the 2nd Saturday of every month at 10:00 a.m. at:
Old Mt. Olive Methodist Church (in the basement),
811 Dares Beach Rd.
Prince Frederick, MD 20678District (County) Meeting schedules and contact information can be found here:
Calvert Co. (District 1)
Charles County (District 35)
St. Mary's County (District 36)Please visit the Web site to confirm meeting times and locations or for more information about A.A.
[ Last Updated: 03-Feb-2016 | Hits: 2180 | Reader Comments Report Problem