Charles County Garden Club
P.O. Box 1496
La Plata,
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Officially founded in 1938, the Charles County Garden Club 's beginnings actually date back to 1936. It was in 1936 that Charles County made its debut as one of the county's selected to participate in the Maryland House and Garden Pilgrimage. That year seven of the county's finest homes opened their doors to provide a glimpse into this great county many call home. In November 1938, at the home of Captain and Mrs. George Gering of Indian Head, the Charles County Garden Club was born. The small enthusiastic group who attended that first meeting elected Mrs. Frank Jack Fretcher (Martha) as their President. Originally the club was comprised of two units, the Indian Head unit and the La Plata unit. In those years that made perfect sense. Indian Head, the location of a well-known military base, was actually Charles County's most populated town and La Plata, of course was and still is the county seat. The two units each had their own distinct mission. The Indian Head unit emphasized horticultural specialization and the La Plata unit stressed civic improvement.[ Last Updated: 07-Aug-2013 | Hits: 324 | Reader Comments Report Problem