Tom Clancy was born in Baltimore on April 12, 1947. He is southern Maryland's most famous contemporary writer. He attended Loyola High School in Towson, Maryland and received a B.A. in English from Loyola College in 1969. He resided in Huntingtown, Maryland (Calvert County) prior to his death.
Cardinal of the Kremlin, The
Two men possess vital data on Russia's Star Wars missile defense system. One of them is CARDINAL—America's highest agent in the Kremlin—and he's about to be terminated by the KGB. The other is the one American who can save CARDINAL and lead the world to the brink of peace—or war.
Teeth of the Tiger, The
Inside Flap Copy: A man named Mohammed sits in a café in Vienna, about to propose a deal to a Colombian. Mohammed has a strong network of agents and sympathizers throughout Europe and the Middle East, and the Colombian has an equally strong drug network throughout America. What if they were to form an alliance, to combine all their assets and connections? The potential for profits would be enormous—and the potential for destruction unimaginable.
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