St. Mary's Co. Gov. News Briefs

Treasurer's Office Now Offering Online Services for Citizens

The St. Mary's County Treasurer's office is pleased to announce several new online systems are now available for real estate taxpayers including online payments and inquiry. Taxpayers can go to

The office is also accepting online payments where taxpayers can chose from a number of payment options, such as Debit or Credit Cards (MasterCard, Visa & Discover), eCheck/ACH transfers. These services are available for a convenience fee of $1.80 for eCheck/ACH transfers and 2.5% for credit or debit cards. This service is available through Bill2Pay, which works closely with the office's escrow payment solution, to have the most accurate data for the payment of St. Mary's County tax bills.

Real Estate Tax Online Inquiry is also available. Taxpayers can look at or print St. Mary's County tax account information for a tax bill online.

Autoagent Data Solutions, LLC is being utilized for processing escrow payments. This system allows the escrow servicer to have a uniformed system to make payments from across the country. Mortgage companies sell mortgages on a regular basis. Autoagent will provide the new company a uniformed system to make payments on behalf of the citizens of St. Mary's County.

Treasurer's Office staff has worked closely with the Department of Emergency Services and Technology to provide the best online systems available for St. Mary's County citizens. It's anticipated that these new changes will enhance the office's service to county citizens.

St. Mary's Co. to Establish TDRs for Sale List

Citizens who possess Transferable Development Rights (TDRs), and wish to sell them, may contact St. Mary's County to be placed on a list that the County maintains to be shared with individuals seeking to purchase TDRs. This service is offered by the County to facilitate the sale and purchase of development rights. It is voluntary service and is not a requirement of those owning TDRs.

Those placed on the list may be contacted periodically by County staff to verify if the TDRs are still for sale. This is to ensure the list remains current. Names and contact information will be placed on the County website so that interested parties may contact TDRs holders directly.

Because the County has no way of tracking TDR sales, the list only includes those individuals who have contacted the County and is not a complete list of all individuals who have TDRs for sale.

Interested holders of TDRs should call the county's Agriculture Division at 240-309-4021 by September 30 to be placed on the "TDRs for Sale List."

Sabo to Resign Position with St. Mary's County

Sue Sabo, St. Mary's County Director of Human Resources and Chief of Staff, has announced her intention to resign effective January 8, 2016.

Sabo has led county government's Human Resources department since 2005, overseeing the administration of benefits, risk management, employee relations, pay and position classifications and other personnel related functions. For the past two years she has also served in a dual role as Chief of Staff and as acting County Administrator on several occasions.

"I want to thank Sue for her hard work and dedication to the county employees," said Commissioner President Randy Guy. "Her efforts have been extraordinary and we are grateful for her efforts and service to St. Mary's County over the past decade."

"Sue is an exemplary professional and the consummate team player. She is the type of person you can always count on," said County Administrator Dr. Rebecca Bridgett. "She has backed me up when needed and has been a great friend. She will be greatly missed."

Commissioners Proclaim to "Forget Me Not" in September

In their return from summer recess, the Commissioners of St. Mary's County paused to recognize the annual Disabled American Veterans' Forget-Me-Not campaign during a special ceremony at the start of their weekly business meeting.

Each year in September the commissioners pay tribute to Chapter 26 of the Disabled American Veterans for their efforts on behalf disabled veterans and their families in St. Mary's County. The organization files claims for government benefits and assists with job, hospital, employment and other issues.

"Everyone in St. Mary's County has a continuing sense of gratitude to disabled veterans who've done so much to keep our way of life intact," said Commissioner John O'Connor (District 3) while leading the ceremony.

Members of Chapter 26 of the Disabled American Veterans, on hand for the ceremony, say funds contributed will be used to directly assist disabled veterans in St. Mary's County.

The commissioners urged citizens, interested groups and organizations to support this worthy occasion throughout the month of September.

NFL Punt, Pass and Kick Competition Coming to St. Mary's County

St. Mary's County youth, between the ages of 6 and 15, will have an opportunity to compete in the annual NFL Punt, Pass and Kick competition on Saturday, October 3. The competition will take place at Fifth District Park, located on Route 6, New Market Turner Road in Charlotte Hall, from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.

Eligible boys and girls will compete by age (determined by current year ending December 31, 2015.) Age categories are: 6/7, 8/9, 10/11, 12/13 & 14/15. Local first place winners will advance to the Sectional Competition to be held later in October. Sectional winners will be then invited to compete in the Redskins Team Championship, to be held at FedEx Field in Prince George's County. The top four Team Championship scorers from all the first place finalists in each age group will advance to the National Finals. Those winners and their families will travel to the Finals at an NFL playoff game in January.

Millions of kids across the U.S. and Canada have participated in the NFL Punt, Pass & Kick competition since it first started in the 1960s. Any boy or girl 6 to 15 years old can compete for a chance at becoming a national champ. It's all free!

For more information on the Punt, Pass and Kick Competition, please contact Kenny Sothoron, Sports Coordinator, at (301) 475-4200 extension 1830 or visit the County's website at Punt Pass and Kick Competition.

Time to Hit the Links for the Scott Verbic Golf Tournament

The 20th Annual Scott Verbic Memorial Golf Tournament is scheduled to be held on Friday October 2, 2015 at the Wicomico Shores Golf Course. This event is in remembrance of Scott Verbic who was a Recreation Advisory Board Member, Volunteer Coach, and advocate for youth in the community.

Proceeds from the event support the youth scholarship program providing the children of St. Mary's County to attend summer camp, sports and other leisure programs throughout the year at a discounted rate. Over the prior 19 years the event has generated more than $115,000.

Space still remains for teams to enter. The team registration fee is $340 and includes greens/carts fee for 4 golfers, breakfast, lunch, drinks on the course, and door prize entry. Individual registrations will also be accepted beginning September 14 at $85 per golfer. The event includes a best ball format with opportunities to participate in various raffles, closest to the pin, longest drive and other contests. Join us for a day of fun and sportsmanship while providing youth a chance to experience recreation.

This year's gold sponsor is Southern Maryland Oil. Recreation and Parks is seeking tee sponsors and prize donations for the event. Businesses can reserve an exclusive tee box sign or a shared tee box sign or sponsor specific tournament activities. Door prize sponsorships can include but are not limited to, gift certificates to local business, item donations and more. In addition to supporting a good cause, event sponsorship is also a great way to promote a business.

For more information about the Scott Verbic Tournament, please contact Kyle Kebaugh at 301-475-4200 ext. 1803 or

Introducing Pickleball for Beginners

The St. Mary's County Department of Recreation and Parks is happy to announce the formation of a new sports program … Pickleball for Beginners.

Come to learn and play one of the fastest growing sports in America! The program provides a level of exercise and fun for ages 18 and up during the fall months which can be adopted for a sustained program outdoors during the warmer days. This course introduces participants to the basic knowledge, rules, skills and strategies that can be shared with others for a lifetime of enjoyment. The program lasts 6 weeks.

Specifics for the Pickleball for Beginners program:

• Dates: Mondays, September 21 - October 26

• Time: 5:30 to 7:00pm

• Cost: $30

• Location: Games played at Leonard Hall Recreation Center

Registration is now open. Interested participants cam register online at, walk-in at Recreation & Parks main office in Leonardtown, 23150 Leonard Hall Drive, Leonardtown, MD 20650 or by mail.

For more information contact Sports Coordinator Kenny Sothoron at 301-475-4200 ext. 1830 or via email at

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