By Sarah Miller, Calvert County Times

Concrete rubble is pushed into the bay from a barge in order to create an artificial reef. (Photo: Sarah Miller)
HOLLYWOOD, Md.—Dominion Cove Point (DCP) is providing the materials to build a reef in the Chesapeake Bay. So far, three loads of rubble have gone out and another four deliveries are scheduled, according to DCP Media Relations and Community Relations Manager Karl R. Neddenien.
The primary material used for the reef is concrete from demolition of onsite buildings to make way for the current export project. DCP estimates that approximately 600 cubic yards (1,200 tons) of concrete debris suitable for reef material was generated during demolition and is available for the reef augmentation.
According to a DCP press release, on June 2, 2014, the Maryland Public Service Commission approved a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for an electric generating station as part of the [DCP] Liquefaction Project. The order requires DCP to prepare and implement a plan to use materials that result from the demolition of structures as artificial reef material.
The specific objectives of the reef plan are to deploy material that will enhance reef habitat at an existing permitted artificial reef location. Taylors Island reef was determined to be the best-suited reef site by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) for an initial deployment of material.
DCPs objective is to support the Maryland Artificial Reef Initiative.
The Chesapeake Bay has lost a significant amount of reef habitat from sediment loading and centuries of oyster harvesting. DCP hopes to improve reef habitat in the Chesapeake Bay by donating construction materials suitable for reef building and deploying the material at an existing artificial reef. The reef generally is expected to provide habitat for fish and the establishment of oysters, a press release reads.