St. Mary's Co. Gov. News Briefs

County Health Rankings Reflect Positive Report for St. Mary's

St. Mary’s County ranks as the fifth healthiest county in Maryland, according to the sixth annual County Health Rankings, released today by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. This ranking reflects an improvement from eighth in 2014.

The County Health Rankings are an annual report that grade the overall health of nearly every county in the United States. The Rankings provide a snapshot of a community’s health, and helps to identify issues and implement solutions to create healthier places to live, learn, work and play. The St. Mary’s County ranking was positively impacted by local improvements in social and economic factors, quality of life, and premature death. Since the 2011 Rankings, premature death in the county has decreased by 13 percent.

“Community partners, county leadership, health care providers, and our residents should take pride in knowing that work done to improve their own health, as well as the health of our community, has yielded such positive results,” said Dr. Meena Brewster, St. Mary’s County Health Officer. “The rankings also reaffirms priority areas that our local health improvement coalition, the Healthy St. Mary’s Partnership, has identified and continues to address—access to care, healthy eating and active living, behavioral health, and tobacco-free living.”

The Rankings allow for relative comparisons between counties within a state on overall health and well-being. These comparisons are based on an assessment of four areas that influence health: health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic factors, and the physical environment. These factors are rated using local-level data from 30 measures that include smoking, education, physical inactivity, preventable hospitalizations, and the availability of primary care physicians.

Rates of adult smoking and obesity, preventable hospitalizations, and the ratios of residents to health professionals, including primary care physicians, dentists and mental health providers were areas where St. Mary’s County ranked low when compared to the other 23 Maryland counties.

"While the trend of an improving county health ranking for St. Mary's is very encouraging," said Dr. Brewster, "I am concerned about the challenges we face with access to care and risk factors leading to chronic illness. With the help of community stakeholders and the Healthy St. Mary’s Partnership, we continue to seek solutions for these issues."

The Rankings are available online at For additional information visit the health department’s website at or the Healthy St. Mary’s Partnership website at

St. Mary's County Government Mourns Loss of Elaine Kramer

The Commissioners of St. Mary's County join all St. Mary's County Government employees in mourning the untimely passing of Elaine Kramer.

Ms. Kramer served as the county's Chief Financial Officer since August, 2000. During her tenure she initiated and/or participated in several significant budget and financial management initiatives, including the full implementation of the county's Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) program.

Under her direction the county has continually focused on improving a variety of fiscal practices, including procurement, and budget development and management for both operating and capital budget funds. She was often selected by the Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) to present issues of interest at training sessions and in connection with legislative efforts.

"She was much loved. She was committed to her family, work and community," said Dr. Rebecca Bridgett, County Administrator. "She had a standard of excellence like no other. She was honest, forth-right, and quick-witted and will be sorely missed."

"Her passing comes as quite a shock," said Randy Guy, Commissioner President. "With four new commissioners on board, Elaine provided a steady influence while guiding us through the budget process. We are grateful for her assistance and patience. We join with all of county government in expressing our deepest sympathy to her family and co-workers."

Wicomico Shores Golf Course Advisory Board Changes Meeting Date

The St. Mary's County Department of Recreation and Parks announces that the Wicomico Shores Golf Course Advisory Board meeting, originally scheduled for Wednesday, April 15, will now take place on Wednesday, April 1. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Golf Course Clubhouse.

Wicomico Shores Golf Course Advisory Board meetings are generally held quarterly, on the third Wednesday of the month, at 6:00 P.M., at the Wicomico Shores Golf Course.

For more information, please contact the St. Mary's County Department of Recreation and Parks at (301) 475-4200, ext. 1811 or call the Wicomico Shores Golf Course at (301) 884-4601.

Notice of Public Meeting Piney Point Road Sewer Line Replacement Project Capital Improvement Project No. 5151SR

In accordance with Section 113-5 of the Public Laws of St. Mary's County, the St. Mary's County Metropolitan Commission (MetCom) will hold a Public Meeting to discuss the Piney Point Road Sewer Line Replacement Project No. 5151SR. The project will replace a section of existing, deteriorated wastewater force main piping.

The project includes the replacement of approximately 1,200-feet of 10-inch diameter pipe located along MD Route 249 in Valley Lee, approximately between the intersections of MD Route 244 and Shetland Acres Drive. The work to be accomplished is anticipated to begin in May 2015. The estimated total project cost for this wastewater system repair is $288,420.

The Public Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 14, 2015, beginning at 6:30PM at the Commission's offices, located at 23121 Camden Way, California, MD. The contract documents, which include plans and specifications, can be reviewed at the time of the meeting or at MetCom's Engineering Department office location, noted above, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

All interested persons are invited to attend this Public Meeting to ask questions or present their comments and suggestions regarding the project. Please contact the Metropolitan Commission offices at 301-737-7400 Ext. 301 for more information, or if you cannot attend the meeting and would like to submit questions or provide comments.

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