St. Mary's Co. Gov. News Briefs

St. Mary's County Department of Aging & Human Services Plans Movie Day to Promote Disability Awareness

Under the theme of "Bringing Community Together," the Department of Aging and Human Services' Aging and Disability Resource Center/Maryland Access Point is sponsoring a movie day on Saturday, April 18, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event will take place in Building 1, Room #133 of the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center, 44219 Airport Road, in California.

The movie day is free and open to residents of all ages. To register to attend go to or call 301-475-4200, ext. 1057.

Two movies will be shown. Both are true stories focusing on non-fictional characters with disabilities who overcame obstacles and achieved their goals through hard work and determination. Representatives from the St. Mary's County Health Department's Resource Coordination Program, Pathways Incorporated, Southern Maryland Center for Independent Living, Hearing Professionals LLC and Southern Maryland Community Resources will be present to share information about programs and services available for individuals with disabilities and their families. Family Movie and Information Day also includes giveaways, snacks, and refreshments.

"The hope is that this event will bring the community together for disability awareness and provide information about available services," said Monika Williams, Coordinator of the Aging and Disability Resource Center/Maryland Access Point.

Special accommodations will be made to make ensure movie day is accessible to everyone. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to contact Monika Williams by Friday, March 27, to allow for reasonable accommodations or auxiliary services to be made available. Ms. Williams can be reached at 301-475-4200, ext. 1057.

For more information about the event visit

Commissioners Celebrate the Role of Agriculture

For over 230 years agriculture has been a mainstay in St. Mary's County. To highlight the important role farm and ranch families continue to play in the county, the Commissioners of St. Mary's County have proclaimed the week of March 15 - 21 National Agriculture Week in the county.

The proclamation noted the prominent place farmers and ranchers play in maintaining their prominent place in society "by providing the American people with an abundant supply of safe, high quality food and American agriculture is so successful that the essential role played by these farmers and ranchers is often taken for granted."

Commissioner President Randy Guy led the ceremony which was attended by representatives of the University of Maryland Extension, St. Mary's County Farm Bureau, St. Mary's Soil Conservation District and Southern Maryland Resource Conservation and Development.

"Beyond food, many aspects of our daily lives are connected to what happens on America's farms and ranches - from building materials and medicine to paper and ink," said Commissioner Guy. "Cotton for clothing and ethanol for fuel is made from American grain."

The proclamation also noted agriculture's increasing role in everyday life as technology helps to develop new uses and specialized products made from farm commodities.

Financial Matters at Top of Mind as Commissioners Proclaim Financial Literacy Month

The Commissioners of St. Mary's County agree financial literacy is essential to ensure all citizens are prepared to manage money, credit, investments and debt. It's this issue why they held a ceremony to proclaim April Financial Literacy Month.

Local organizations and schools were lauded for their support of financial literacy education which encourages community members to make effective decisions regarding their use and management of money.

During the ceremony Commissioner President Randy Guy noted "According to the Young Americans Center for Financial Education, nearly half of all adults say they are concerned they have not paid enough attention to managing their finances and 48 percent are concerned they don't know enough about financial planning."

As part of Financial Literacy month commissioners invited citizens to support financial education and promote events which center around effective handling of money and dealing with debt.

Commissioner Jarboe Set to Travel on Trade Mission

Commissioner Tom Jarboe (1st District) is preparing to travel to Israel on Thursday, March 19 with a trade delegation from the State of Maryland. The delegation will be led by Peter Telem, Director of Business Development for the Maryland / Israel Development Center.

The Delegation is traveling to Tel Aviv to attend the CyberTech 2015 Trade Mission in Tel Aviv. The purpose of the Trade Mission is to seek Israeli Cyber firms which might be interested in opening businesses in the State of Maryland as well as to facilitate Maryland companies to enter the Israeli market.

Commissioner Jarboe will return to the US on Thursday, March 26. For more information on the trade mission go to

St. Mary's County Government to Hold Training for Volunteers Serving on Boards, Committees and Commissions

Citizens who are newly appointed, currently serving or interested in volunteering on any of St. Mary's County's Boards, Committees or Commissions are invited to attend a special training session to learn what's required to serve on a board or commission.

The session will be held on Wednesday, April 8 at 5 p.m. in the commissioners meeting room, inside the Chesapeake Building, at 41770 Baldridge Street in Leonardtown.

Diane Gleissner, Boards and Commission Coordinator, will provide an overview of the many volunteer opportunities available and answer any questions regarding service on a Board, Committee or Commission.

Dr. Rebecca Bridgett, County Administrator, and George Sparling, County Attorney, will present information on how to make the most of the volunteer experience. Topics include Setting an Agenda, Open Meetings Act, Ethics, Financial Disclosure Forms, Public Information Act, Bylaws (including quorums), and more.

Those interested in attending should RSVP by April 6 to or call 301-475-4200, ext. 1700.

Share a Memorable Day with Dad on a Bus Trip to Watch the Orioles take on the New York Yankees

Celebrate Father's Day by enjoying America's pastime! Save the money on gas and parking, avoid the hassle of driving and enjoy a comfortable ride on a coach bus to watch the Orioles play the Yankees!

Date: Sunday June 14, 2015

Depart: 10:30 a.m.

Game Time: 1:35 p.m.

Return: 7:00 p.m.

Departure and return location: 23150 Leonard Hall Drive in Leonardtown

Cost: $85 per person; includes round trip transportation on a Charter Bus and game ticket

Register: Online at and click on the blue "Register Here" button or in person at the R&P main office

Important Trip Information: Trips will travel on a trip coach bus with heating and air conditioning. Most buses offer a restroom and reclining seating. All trips require a pre-registration deadline to ensure enough participants; a minimum of 24 participants are required for a trip. If space is still available after the deadline, late registrations will be accepted. Trips canceled due to low registration will receive a full refund. Due to the early planning of trips the cost of the coach bus service could increase slightly. If the fee increases you will be notified upon registration. Passengers under the age 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Bus trip reservations are final. Cancellations will not result in a refund. In the event the game is televised nationally by ESPN, the bus trip would be changed to reflect the new time. Those who have registered, and are unable to attend at the new time, would receive a full refund.

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