DAHLGREN, Va.—Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) employees who served—or are currently serving—in the Navy reserves, celebrated the centennial anniversary of the Navy Reserve by wearing their uniforms to work March 3. The Navy authorized all reserve Sailors, past and present, to wear their uniforms to their civilian workplaces in commemoration of the Navy Reserve centennial anniversary.
NSWCDD Commander Capt. Brian Durant is pictured with three of the command's civilian employees who chose to wear their Navy uniforms in honor of this significant milestone. Standing left to right are Capt. Durant; Lyle Brown, an NSWCDD Warfare Systems Department physicist; Robert Getty, an Engagement Systems Department lead systems engineer; and Mark Pugh, a Warfare Systems Department physicist.
Brown, a retired Navy reserve captain, was the Special Fleet Projects officer in his last reserve unit at the National Reconnaissance Office. Getty, a Navy reserve commander, is currently an anti-submarine warfare exercise mentor for his reserve unit at the Carrier Strike Group Four Fleet Synthetic Training Detachment. Pugh, a Navy reserve commander, is currently the operations officer at the Joint Enabling Capabilities Command, Norfolk, Va.
Meanwhile in New York City, Vice Adm. Robin R. Braun, chief of Navy Reserve, and commander, Navy Reserve Forces, celebrated the 100th anniversary of the U.S. Navy Reserve with New York-based Sailors.
Braun and the Sailors started the morning on the sets of Fox and Friends, the Today Show, and Good Morning America to honor the service and sacrifice of 100 years of Sailors who formed the history and heritage of the current Navy Reserve force.
Following early morning appearances on the morning shows, Sailors participated in a cake-cutting ceremony and celebration aboard the Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum on Manhattan's west side. Braun made remarks after being introduced by Juan M. Garcia, III, assistant secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs).
"Over the next century the Navy Reserves will remain an ever present and pivotal component of the U.S. Navy," said Braun. "In a world where danger lurks around every corner we will have to rely on the men and women of the Navy Reserve to be willing, ready, and able to meet any challenge whenever, and wherever they are called."
Braun also commended the Navy Reserve Sailors who, in their civilian careers, serve as members of the New York Police and Fire Departments.
"Many of these citizen Sailors, like thousands of New Yorkers before them, didn't run for cover after 9/11, they ran for the fight," said Braun. "They put their lives and volunteered to stand side by side with their counterparts on active duty and I couldn't be more proud to serve with each and every one of them."
After finishing her remarks, the oldest and youngest Sailors in attendance cut the cake following a long Navy tradition. The USO Show Troupe also performed a medley of patriotic songs for all in attendance.
The Navy Reserve was originally founded on March 3, 1915 as the U.S. Navy Reserve Force. The Navy Reserve contributed 84 percent of the Navy manpower during World War II. More than 52,000 Navy Reserve Sailors have been mobilized and deployed to serve in Iraq and Afghanistan, including more than 8,000 who have done a second combat tour. Today, at least 20,000 Navy Reserve Sailors, or about one third of the Navy's Reserve Component, is providing fully integrated global operational support to the fleet and combatant commanders.
For information on the history and heritage of the Navy Reserve as well as current Sailor stories and upcoming Centennial events, please visit www.navyreservecentennial.com.