College of Southern Maryland theater major Alex LaClair of La Plata.
LA PLATA, Md.—For the second consecutive year, College of Southern Maryland theater major Alex LaClair of La Plata will be heading to the Southeastern Theatre Conferences (SETC) annual convention in Chattanooga in March to audition for professional acting jobs. SETC hosts auditions for nearly 90 professional theaters searching for talented actors. In order to qualify for auditions as a college student, LaClair participated in a professional screening through SETC and learned in October that he was chosen.
Alex has represented this college all over the country. His hard work and dedication to his craft has been a joy to watch and work with," said CSM Theater and Dance Coordinator Keith Hight.
LaClair has a film degree from the Boston University Center for Digital Imaging Arts satellite campus in Washington, D.C. and creates video trailers for CSM theatrical productions when he is not working as a freelance videographer. He ventured into acting by participating in community theater which in turn led to CSM. He is working on an associate degree in theater.
This February, LaClair was chosen by the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) nominating committee to compete with more than 250 other thespians for the Irene Ryan Acting Award. That was LaClairs second appearance at the KCACTF in three years and his most productive. He auditioned for the Music Theatre Initiative and the New Playwright Program, and he wrote and directed The War of Rose Cycle in One Act for Devised Theatre.