The Calvert County Division of Parks and Recreation and Division of Natural Resources are hosting a public meeting Thursday, Oct. 2, 7 p.m., at the Northeast Community Center in Chesapeake Beach to present the final draft of the master plan for a new park to be located on Ward Road in Dunkirk.
The Master Plan Steering Committee will present the draft park master plan which has been developed based on the identified needs of the county and the input provided during a June 2014 public meeting. The Oct. 2 meeting will be the final opportunity for citizens to view the plan and provide input toward its refinement.
Parks and Recreation and Natural Resources are developing a master plan for the 209-acre property, which was purchased by the county in Fiscal Year 2013. The purchase was funded by the Calvert County Youth Recreational Opportunities Fund, a state grant administered by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
For more information on the Calvert County Division of Parks and Recreation, call 410-535-1600, ext. 2649, like the division on Facebook or visit online at For information on the Calvert County Division of Natural Resources, call 410-535-5327 or visit online at
Hall Aquatic Center to be Closed for Maintenance Sept. 24, Noon-5 p.m.
The Hall Aquatic Center in Prince Frederick will be closed for maintenance from noon to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 24. The facility will resume regular operations at 5 p.m.
Maryland Sheriff's Association Deputy of the Year Award Winners

Sheriff Mike Evans is pictured above with the Maryland Sheriff's Association Deputy of the Year award winners from the Calvert County Sheriff's Office. Sgt. Ricky Cox was presented the award for Valor, F/Sgt. Keith Hicks for Community Service and DFC Nick DeFelice for Contribution to Profession. The awards were presented at the Maryland Chiefs of Police Association and the Maryland Sheriff's Association 2014 Annual Training Seminar on September 8th in Ocean City, Maryland.