WEEKLY SUMMARY: During the week of June 9 through June 15, deputies responded to 1,304 calls for service throughout the community.
THEFT FROM VEHICLE CASE #14-33028: Someone entered an unlocked vehicle parked in the driveway of a residence in the 11600 block of Cow Poke Circle in Lusby overnight between June12 and 13 and stole prescription medications. DFC J. Bell is investigating.
BURGLARY CASE #14-32048: A victim on Gordon Drive in Sunderland reported to DFC Y. Bortchevsky that he awakened on June 8 at about 5:00 a.m. and noticed a motion light on at the rear of his residence. He looked out the window and observed a white male carrying a flashlight. He yelled out and the male ran off toward the front of the house. The victim then saw a vehicle drive off at a high rate of speed. It appears the unknown male entered the victim's garage and rummaged through a vehicle parked inside. Nothing was taken.
ATTEMPTED BURGLARY CASE #14-32091: At about the same time a second victim on Gordon Drive advised DFC A. Migliaccio that he discovered that someone had made three holes in the screen on his back deck enclosure. It is unknown if the suspect made entry but nothing was stolen. The investigation continues.
BURGLARY CASE #14-32183: Sometime between June 1 and 8 someone entered a barn on the property of a home in the 3400 block of Hunting Creek Road in Huntingtown and stole a Husqvarna weed wacker and a Coleman generator, together valued at $660. DFC M. Quinn is investigating.
ROBBERY CASE #14-32194: Dep. C. Ward responded to the Fastop Convenience Store on H.G. Trueman Road in Solomons on June 8 at 9:26 p.m. for the report of a robbery. A store employee advised that a black male wearing all black clothing had come inside the store and demanded money. After getting the money, the suspect fled. Det. M. Mudd of C.I.B. is investigating.
CDS VIOLATION CASE #14-32210: On June 9 at 1:24 a.m. DFC A. Locke responded to the area of Md. Rt. 4 and Southview Drive in Huntingtown for the report of a disabled vehicle in the median. Locke made contact with the driver, identified as Renee Lavon Harris, 27 of Prince Frederick, who appeared to be under the influence of an unknown substance. Medical personnel responded but Harris refused treatment. Harris was arrested and charged with driving while impaired, negligent driving, reckless driving, possession of marijuana less than 10 grams and possession of a schedule I drug; Phencyclidine.
BURGLARY CASE #14-32219: A 2000 Yamaha Breeze 350 cc All-Terrain Vehicle, white in color with black and blue markings, was stolen from inside a garage at a residence in the 2000 block of Cove Point Road in Lusby between 3:00 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. on June 9. The vehicle is valued at $5,000. Dep. W. Beisel is investigating.
DISORDERLY, CDS VIOLATION CASE #14-32528: A citizen called police on June 10 at 7:46 p.m. to the Walmart parking lot for several disorderly subjects. The complainant advised Dep. N. Lenharr that they observed several people in the parking lot having a verbal dispute and thought they saw a knife brandished by one of the subjects. All of the subjects then got into a vehicle and left the scene. Calvert County deputies stopped the vehicle and detained five subjects. All of the subjects matched the descriptions given by the complainant. They were all found to be in possession of suspected drugs but no weapons were found. All five were charged with possession of marijuana and three counts of possession with intent to use drug paraphernalia; a smoking device, rolling papers and a plastic Ziploc bag. Charged are Ever O. Gonzalez Romero, 36 of Gaithersburg, Gabriel Gutierrez Mejia, 24, also of Gaithersburg, Rosario Carmen Rodriguez Lagos, 21 of Silver Spring, and Antwon Deon Miller, 24 and Noe Steven Romero, 20, both of Gaithersburg. Antwon Miller and Noe Romero were both also charged with disorderly conduct.
ASSAULT WITH A WEAPON CASE #14-32533: On June 10 at 8:12 p.m. DFC E. Bradley responded to the area of Md. Rt. 4 north and Commerce Lane in Prince Frederick to check the welfare of a female sitting on the guardrail. As Bradley pulled to a stop, the woman, later identified as Linda Louise Grimes, 66 of no fixed address, stood, picked up her purse, and started to walk south. As Bradley made contact with her, she pulled a steak knife from her purse. She was instructed by Bradley to drop the knife but she waved it towards the deputy and then lunged at him. Bradley drew his agency weapon and instructed her again to drop the knife, which Grimes then threw at Bradley, missing him. Grimes was taken into custody and charged with attempted first degree assault, second degree assault and reckless endangerment.
LOCK IT OR LOST IT CAMPAIGN: Sheriff Mike Evans and the deputies of the Calvert County Sheriff's Office are crusading again this year for the public to "LOCK IT OR LOSE IT." In a concerted effort to further reduce the amount of theft to personal property, the Lock It or Lose It campaign advises that you lock your homes, garages and vehicles and remove the keys and remember to remove or conceal items like purses, GPS devices, or other valuables. It only takes seconds for a thief to enter an unlocked home or vehicle and take what they have seen looking in from the outside. Although thefts from autos have increased nationally, they are one of the more preventable crimes. While we have no way of measuring how many of these crimes we have prevented, we know we can increase our success with your help. Our communities have also experienced thefts from vehicles while parked in their own driveways, so please lock your vehicle and remove the valuables even while parked there.
Deputies will be diligently patrolling for suspicious activity in neighborhoods and shopping centers while passing out written reminders to citizens. If you would like to have a deputy in your neighborhood, please contact Captain Steve Jones at 410-535-2800. Please remember, for emergencies, call 911. If you see something suspicious, call the Sheriff's Office at 410-535-2800.
NATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPLORING CONFERENCE: The Calvert County Sheriff's Office Explorers Post 91 will be competing in the 2014 National Law Enforcement Exploring Conference at the Indiana University Campus. This national event is scheduled for July 13-19. This event will bring thousands of Explorer teams from throughout the United States to compete and receive national rankings. Scheduled events include Criminal Apprehension, Bomb Threat Response, Burglary in Progress, Crime Prevention, Crime Scene Search, Crisis Negotiations, Domestic Crisis Intervention, Judgmental Pistol Shooting, Officer Down/Emergency First Aid, Traffic Accident Investigation, Traffic Stops, White Collar Crimes, Drill Team, Police Physical Test, Air Pistol Competition, Sample Police Written Examination, Expos, Conferences, meetings, tours and demonstrations.
Post 91 is anticipating sending approximately 20 Explorers and advisors to represent Calvert County at this national venue. The estimated cost for the event is $20,000. The cost represents their equipment, airfare, lodging and meals.
The Calvert County Sheriff's Office is a nonprofit 501 (C3). This event is an excellent opportunity for you to support and promote our next generation of aspiring police professionals. To make this event a success, the Calvert County Sheriff's Office Explorers Post 91 is respectfully requesting your financial support. All sponsors will be recognized for their contributions at our annual awards banquet.
Thank you in advance for your support and for additional information, please contact DFC Vaughn Evans at evansvd@co.cal.md.us or 410-535-2800.
Citizens with information on any of the reported crimes above, or any criminal activity in Calvert County, who wish to report it anonymously can now access the Calvert County Crime Solvers website via http://somd.me/calvertcrimesolvers. Information leading to the arrest and conviction of a suspect could result in a $1,000 reward.
Disclaimer: In the U.S.A., all persons accused of a crime by the State are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. See: http://somd.me/presumed-innocence. Additionally, all of the information provided above is solely from the perspective of the respective law enforcement agency and does not provide any direct input from the accused or persons otherwise mentioned. You can find additional information about the case by searching the Maryland Judiciary Case Search Database using the accused's name and date of birth. The database is online at http://somd.me/mdcasesearch . Persons named who have been found innocent or not guilty of all charges in the respective case, and/or have had the case ordered expunged by the court can have their name, age, and city redacted by following the process defined at http://somd.me/expungeme .