Charles Co. Gov. News Briefs

Doctor’s Day Proclaimed in Charles County

The Charles County Commissioners proclaimed Friday, March 28 as Doctor’s Day in Charles County. The annual observance of Doctors’ Day shows appreciation for the role of physicians in ministering to the sick, alleviating human suffering and advancing the art and science of medicine. Licensed physicians safeguard our health and well-being through their reverence for human life and commitment to promoting beneficial advances in medicine. The Charles County Commissioners recognize Doctors’ Day in Charles County, and invite citizens to join in honoring and expressing sincere gratitude to physicians.

In attendance were Commissioner Debra M. Davis, Esq. (District 2); Commissioner Vice President Reuben B. Collins, II (District 3); Dr. Eugene Suwandhi, Pediatrician, UM Charles Regional Medical Center; Commissioner Bobby Rucci (District 4); Dr. Mark Dumais, Chief Medical Officer, UM Charles Regional Medical Center; Commissioner Ken Robinson (District 1); Dr. Vamsy Jakkampudi, Neurologist, UM Charles Regional Neurology; and Commissioner President Candice Quinn Kelly.

Snakehead Contest Winner Announced

On Tuesday, March 25, the Charles County Commissioners announced the winner of the Snakehead Naming Contest. The winning name was Spotted Channa, submitted by Gilbert Castaneda. Channa is a genus of the Channidae family of snakehead fish. The two finalists were Bob Carr and Beth Groves. The Commissioners and the Department of Natural Resources will honor the contest winner and finalists at an upcoming tournament at Smallwood State Park.

Commissioner Ken Robinson (District 1) recognized Captain Danny Gimler who harvested the fish from Charles County waters with a bow and arrow. Troy Payne, of Tri-County Hearth and Patio in Waldorf, prepared Blackened Spotted Channa with Pina Colada Salsa for the Commissioners to taste.

Curbside Collection of Yard Waste Resumes April 1

The Charles County Department of Public Works is pleased to announce that curbside collection of yard waste will resume on Tuesday, April 1.

Acceptable items for curbside yard waste collection include grass, leaves, garden clippings, and brush. Items must be placed in brown paper bags, a reusable container, or bundled for collection. Yard Waste in plastic bags or containers weighing over 50 pounds will not be collected. Branches must be bundled and not greater than four feet in length and no individual branch more than six inches in diameter. All reusable containers must have handles and be clearly marked with an “X” or “Yard Waste”. Yard Waste will not be accepted if placed inside of a Recycling Cart.

Unacceptable items include loose branches and brush, plastic bags, dirt, rocks, sod, trash, and material exceeding the weight and size restrictions.

Weekly curbside collection of yard waste is only available to those residents who currently receive every-other week curbside recycling collection.

For more information, call the Department of Public Works, Environmental Resources Division, 301-932-3599 or 301-870-2778. Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 866-269-9006.

Applications to the 2015 Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Program now being Accepted

The Charles County Commissioners wish to inform Charles County landowners that applications to participate in Maryland’s Fiscal Year 2015 Agricultural Land Preservation Program must be completed, stamped, and received by the Department of Planning and Growth Management by close of business on Friday, May 30, 2014.

The Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation (MALPF) was created in 1977 by the Maryland General Assembly as an agency of the Maryland Department of Agriculture and is governed by Agriculture Article, §2-501-2-515 of the Annotated Code of Maryland. MALPF partners with county governments to purchase agricultural land preservation easements that forever restrict development on prime farmland and woodland. The Foundation’s statutory mission is to preserve productive farmland and woodland for continued production of food and fiber for the present and future citizens of the State.

For more information on program requirements or to obtain an application, landowners may visit the Foundation’s web site at or contact Charles County’s Program Administrator, Charles Rice at 301-645-0651 or e-mail Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 866-269-9006.

Charles County Commissioners’ April Town Hall Meeting Schedule

The Charles County Commissioners invite the public to attend April town hall meetings as scheduled below. The purpose of the Commissioners’ town hall meetings is to take questions from those in attendance and to discuss items of importance to the citizens and the community.

Reuben B. Collins, II, Commissioner Vice President (District 3)
Monday, April 28, 7:30 p.m.
Capital Clubhouse (3033 Waldorf Market Place, Waldorf)

Ken Robinson (District 1)
“Spring Training Edition” (Meeting will be videotaped for online viewing)
Saturday, April 19, 11 a.m.
Regency Furniture Stadium in Waldorf, Legends Club (11765 St. Linus Drive, Waldorf)

Bobby Rucci (District 4)
Commissioner Bobby Rucci will meet with any citizen at any available time or through email, text messaging, or telephone to discuss issues of concern. He may be reached at or by calling 301-645-0550.

Future town hall meeting dates are available at

For more information, contact the Public Information Office at 301-885-2779 or Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 866-269-9006.

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