St. Mary's County Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron (left) is sworn in as the president of the Maryland Sheriff's Association in Ocean City on Sept. 14. (Submitted photo)
CALIFORNIA, Md. (September 29, 2011)—St. Mary's County Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron has assumed the presidency of the Maryland Sheriff's Association. He was sworn in on September 14 at the Maryland Sheriffs' and Chiefs' of Police Annual Training Conference in Ocean City.
The association is a business league classified as a 501(c)(6) organization by the I.R.S.
"The Maryland Sheriffs Association is tasked with a number of important responsibilities," noted Cameron. "We sponsor, monitor and are advocates for legislation which is of concern to/or enhances public safety in our communities. We also provide professional development and specialized training to law enforcement executives and deputies as well as sponsor scholarship funding to graduating high school seniors who are pursuing a career law enforcement, criminal justice, or similar programs."
Since 1974 the association has sponsored The Maryland Sheriff's Youth Ranch, a twenty-four hour foster care facility located in Frederick. The ranch seeks to assist at-risk males, ages 10 to 18 years, in becoming productive members of society.
"The Maryland Sheriffs are very proud of all of our endeavors," said Cameron. "We work tirelessly to provide the latest crime fighting technology and to improve public safety services to our communities despite the difficult economic circumstances we are all currently facing. I am honored to serve as president and look forward to the challenges of the year ahead."