By Sarah Miller, The County Times
HOLLYWOOD, Md. (June 30, 2011)—When George Jones went outside the night of June 16, he was expecting to see some stars and the clouds. The last thing he expected was to see strange lights approaching.
They looked pretty low to me, Jones said.
There were in groups of three, one leading the two trailing a couple seconds behind, and Jones described them as the orange-yellow color of an amber house light, only brighter. He said the lights were at a height a little higher than a helicopter would hover. Jones saw them approach, hover for a few seconds then fade away.
Jones had Ray Breeden come outside with him, and the two men saw another set of lights approach and disappear.
Who knows how many preceded that before I saw the first one, Jones said.
Breeden said they were a little too high to be helicopters, but he agreed on the color, a shade of amber, and the formation with one leading and two following.
It could be something from the base, Breeden said, though he thinks it was strange because there was no noise either before or after the lights approached and disappeared, like one would expect from an airplane or any other craft.
If there was any sound, we would have heard something, Jones said.
Darlyn Breeden also joined the men outside and saw the lights in the sky. She saw the same things as Breeden and Jones, but she doesnt have any explanation for what she saw.
It was fun though, Darlyn Breeden said.
For Jones, this is his second encounter with an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO). When he was a kid living in Suitland, he said he saw a cloud with lights in it about five stories off the ground moving along and hovering over people and animals it encountered. From the way others around him were acting, Jones said he was the only one who could see the cloud. It finally came over him, hovered for a few seconds, then shot away.
The family has registered their sighting with the UFO Reporting Center based out of Seattle, Washington at www.nuforc.org.
Indian Head Resident Believes He Spotted UFO Activity on 28 May 2011