Sales of the print TGIF, which depicts the infamous Green Door bar in Park Hall, a popular hangout for SMCM students, will support the William Thomas Rowe Endowed Art Scholarship. To buy a print online, visit http://www.smcmbooks.com.

The idea for the art scholarship was initiated in 2004 by former SMCM Director of Alumni Relations Dirk Griffith ('79) and the Rowe family. To fund the scholarship, limited edition prints of Rowe's lighthearted TGIF, a pastel painting of the Green Door-a favorite student night spot off-campus-are being sold. Sales of TGIF prints, generous donations from the community, and the sale of "Vale" have funded the scholarship. The fund will provide student scholarships in 2009. Awards will be made to students who have a demonstrated talent in the School of Realism, the style that defines much of Rowe's work.
At the reception, SMCM President Maggie O'Brien thanked the family and the Arts Alliance Steering Committee saying, "You have given us so much in the arts and music." Vice President for Development Torre Meringolo accepted the gift from the Arts Alliance and thanked the Rowe family for making the work available. "Tom is still very much a presence here, I knew him as a truly dedicated teacher," Meringolo said.
Many of Rowe's former students came to the event to purchase prints and honor the artist. Lori Sides ('76), an art teacher at Great Mills High School, talked about the many years after graduating that she and other alumni would meet and work with Rowe at his home studio. "We went weekly to Tom's studio to work. It is wonderful to have in your life someone who continues to encourage and inspire you-even today."
The College's Major Gifts Officer Paula Mitchell is coordinating sales of TGIF prints. Prints may be purchased at the St. Mary's College of Maryland Campus Store or through the Office of Alumni Relations. Unframed prints are available for $100 and framed prints are $200. Unframed and framed prints are accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity. Ninety dollars of each sale will support the William Thomas Rowe Endowed Art Scholarship.
To purchase a print online, visit http://www.smcmbooks.com/ ; Departments/General Merchandise/Posters/Postcards to choose a framed or unframed print. To purchase a print through the Office of Alumni Relations, contact Paula Mitchell at 240-895-3382 or 800-458-8341; e-mail, pamitchell (at) smcm.edu.
Donations to the William Thomas Rowe Endowed Art Scholarship are also being accepted. Visit the College web site at http://www.smcm.edu. Click on "Give to SMCM" on the yellow bar. Then click on MAKE A GIFT on the yellow bar. Please note in the Comments section of the electronic form that your gift is designated for the William Thomas Rowe Endowed Art Scholarship.