Those retirees honored at the dinner included Carol Ridgell, office associate I, retiring after 37 years of service; Femi Ojo-Ade, professor emeritus of history and French, retiring after 17 years; and Dian Dudderar, coordinator and director of student teaching, Professional Development School, retiring after 10 years.

St. Mary's College employees recognized for thirty years of service are: Bob Paul, Laraine Glidden and Bruce Wilson
College employees recognized for 30 years of service included James Dyson, groundskeeper I; Laraine Glidden, professor of psychology; Bob Paul, professor of biology; and Bruce Wilson, professor of English.

St. Mary's College employees recognized for twenty-five years of service are (from left to right): Al Hovland, Sam Goddard, Wes Jordan and Helen Daugherty.
Celebrated for their 25 years at the school were Helen Daugherty, professor of sociology; Sam Goddard, general trades mechanic; Allan Hovland, associate professor of chemistry; Wesley Jordan, dean of admissions and financial aid and also professor of psychology; Lucy Myers, office associate I; and Gail Wood, academic fiscal administrator.

St. Mary's College employees recognized for twenty years of service are: (top row) Janet Haugaard (bottom row, left to right) Rich Edgar, Michael Taber and Anne Leblans.
Those honored for 20 years of employment were Charles Butler, caretaker II; Rich Edgar, director of admissions; Janet Haugaard, executive editor and writer, Office of Publications; Anne Leblans, associate professor of international languages and cultures-German; Jorge Rogachevsky, professor of international languages and cultures-Spanish; Jean Slaughter, caretaker I; and Michael Taber, assistant professor of philosophy and department chair.

St. Mary's College employees recognized for fifteen years of service are: (top row): Israel Ruiz (middle row, left to right) Christine Adams, Celia Rabinowitz, Stacy Goddard, (bottom row) Garrey Dennie and Francis Titus.
Fifteen-year honorees were Christine Adams, professor of history; Garrey Dennie, assistant professor of history; Brian Ganz, artist in residence, music; Stacey Goddard, fiscal administrator; Anne Grulich, program specialist, Maryland Heritage Project; Celia Rabinowitz, director of library and media services; Israel Ruiz, associate professor and department chair, international languages and cultures-Spanish; and Frances Titus, fiscal associate II.

St. Mary's College employees recognized for ten years of service are: (top row, left to right) Chuck Adler, Libby Williams, Dan Branigan (bottom row) Irene Olnick, Joan Pickett, Kathy Grimes and Lee Capristo.
Employees recognized for 10 years of employment at the college included Chuck Adler, associate professor and department chair; Dan Branigan, capital project manager, planning and facilities; Lee Capristo, director, Office of Publications; Jeffrey Coleman, associate professor of English; Symaria "Sam" Enoch, fiscal associate II; Kathy Grimes, assistant vice president for Lifelong Learning and Professional Development programs; Andy Koch, associate professor and department chair, chemistry; Carol Morris, library supervisor; Irene Olnick, senior accountant, Office of Business Affairs; Joan Pickett, executive assistant to the provost, Office of the Provost; Jack Short, computer programmer and analyst, Campus Technology Support Services; and Elizabeth Williams, dean of the core curriculum and first year experience, Office of the Provost.

St. Mary's College employees recognized for five years of service are: (top row, left to right) Jordan Price, Jeff Smith, (middle row) Judy Johnson, David Sushinsky, Angela Thomas, Colby Caldwell, Rachel Brooks, (front row) Debi Brooks, LaRita Hagar, Cynthia Koenig, Deborah O'Donnell and Angela Johnson.
Those recognized for five years of service were Jose Ballesteros, assistant professor of international languages and cultures-Spanish; Jean Beard, office associate II; Debi Brooks, executive assistant, Office of Development; Rachel Brooks, caretaker I; Colby Caldwell, assistant professor, art and art history, photography and digital media; Bryan Doyle, public safety officer; Bill Gainey, assistant athletic director and head men's soccer coach, Athletics and Recreation; Mervin Gantt, general trades mechanic; David Groupe, technical director and lighting designer, Theater, Film and Media Studies; LaRita Hagar, adviser and director on international education, Academic Services; Alberta Hickman, RN, assistant director of health services, Health Center; Mary Howell, fiscal associate II; Angela Johnson, assistant professor of educational studies; Judy Johnson, office associate II; Cynthia Koenig, assistant professor of psychology; Randy Larsen, assistant professor of chemistry; Deborah O'Donnell, assistant professor of psychology; Jordan Price, assistant professor of biology; Simon Read, assistant professor of computer science; Jeff Smith, associate director of admissions and coordinator of multicultural recruiting; Jennifer St. Germain, animal caretaker and departmental technician; David Sushinsky, assistant director of admissions; Angela Thomas, accountant, Office of Business Affairs; Danny Worrell, public safety officer; and Joe Young, public safety officer.