According to John K. Parlett Jr., it was a record year and he was well pleased with the weather and the turnout.

"John Knight Parlett was a man who loved the farming community," said Senator Roy Dyson, Southern Maryland's ranking elected state official. "He was a great voice for the farming community and because of that interest he established one of the great and most diversified farm museums in the country."
Parlett, Sr. was born and raised on his parents farm near Trent Hall on the Patuxent River in Mechanicsville. He began collecting tools and farm equipment in the 60s. According to his son, the more he collected, the more his passion grew. Darene Kleinsorgen, Chairperson for the Festival and a member of the Board of Directors for Christmas in April, added that he had an equal passion for his wife, children, and grandchildren.
He and his wife spent every free weekend going to sales and auctions where he would buy pieces for his collection. According to Kleinsorgen, Parlett recognized most pieces on sighthe knew their name and what they were used for. He had a very good memory, said Kleinsorgen. He knew exactly what he had in his collection and what he needed.
As his collection and his passion grew, Parlett developed a network of friends with similar interests. When he needed a particular piece, he would put the word out to his friends. Someone would ultimately locate and procure the needed item.
This network of friends became crucial to the advancement of the museums collection over time. It became more and more difficult for Parlett to leave his home as he was overcome with illness. He ultimately passed on in 2005.

The buildings house thousands of the museums artifacts. The museum has everything from its 50 tractor collection, to hundreds of farm implements, to horse-drawn buggies and sleighs. They even have an old Burch Oil delivery truck. Chances are if it was used on a farm in southern Maryland, they have it in the museum.
According to Kleinsorgen, the sole purpose of the Museum was not simply to collect and preserve artifacts from Americas farming legacy. Parlett not only wanted to preserve the culture, he wanted todays children to have an appreciation for the roots of the life they are now living. Mr. Parlett wanted people to realize that most everything happening today originated with the farmers, commented Kleinsorgen.
Parlett was so concerned about educating todays children about Americas farming heritage that, even before the beginning of the Farm Festival, he used to invite school classes to come and visit the Museum. Kleinsorgen noted that students came from as far away as Montross, Va.
While the Museum is the center of the Farm-Life festival, it is not the only attraction. There were plenty of live demonstrations of old farm equipment

The children were kept happy with a small petting zoo where they could touch a hog, a billie goat, and a calf. There were also tractor and horse-driven rides to keep the youngsters amused.

One of the original, driving goals for the Farm-Life Festival was to raise money for the Christmas in April program. Once a year, in the month of April, local volunteers gather and fan-out into southern Maryland where they make repairs to the homes of the neediest citizens. A team is assigned to each home. The team is usually headed by one or more professional contractors assisted by various laymen volunteers.
John Parlett, Jr. is especially fond of the Christmas in April program. In 1989, he helped found the program in Charles County. The following year, he founded the program in St. Marys County. He noted that 100% of the proceeds from each festival go directly to the program.
The Parlett family purchased the farm where the museum resides in the late 50s. The previous owner used to run a turkey farm. After the Parletts purchased the farm, they raised approximately 40 head of cattle and 20,000 chickens. They also grew corn and tobaccotobacco being one of the trademark crops in southern Maryland during that era.
While the original farm was 200 acres, it has since dwindled to 135 acres. Pieces have been subdivided out to Mr. Parletts children so that they could establish their own homes.
Today, all that remains of the active agricultural endeavor are a few head of cattle. John Parlett, Jr. spends his professional time as the President of CMI General Contractors, Inc. CMI is a successful commercial contracting company. They are based in Charlotte Hall, Md.
All-in-all, the Festival was a great way to spend an otherwise quiet fall weekend day. In addition to the history, culture, and fascination of moving machine parts for the mechanically inspired, it was a good way to make the acquaintance of many friendly and knowledgeable people. If you missed it this year, mark your calendars now for next year.
Editors Note: We will be adding photographs of the Farm Festival to our Multimedia Gallery in the coming days.