23 recent graduates from the Southern Maryland Criminal Justice Academy. Photo Courtesy Charles County Sheriff's Department.
DONCASTER, Md. - The Southern Maryland Criminal Justice Academy celebrated the graduation of 23 police recruits at a ceremony held October 13, 2006.
Twenty-three students completed the six-month training program, which began April 17, 2006. Thirteen of the graduating officers joined the Charles County Sheriffs Office, two joined the Calvert County Sheriffs Office, six joined the St. Marys County Sheriffs Office, one joined the La Plata Police Department and one joined the St. Marys College of Maryland police.
At the ceremony, Academy instructors presented awards to students who excelled in four categories. Clay Collins of the Charles County Sheriffs Office earned the physical training award, Mark Fitzgerald of St. Marys College earned the firearms award, Brianne Gray of the Calvert County Sheriffs Office earned the vehicle operations award and William Watters of the St. Marys County Sheriffs Office earned the academic award.
The class boasted a 94.07 final class academic average. Their class motto, chosen by the students at the beginning of the training program, was True to the Blue.
Doug Hill, chief meteorologist for ABC 7 News and a former Prince Georges County police officer, served as keynote speaker for the ceremony. Ed Schauf of the College of Southern Marylands legal studies department spoke about the articulation agreement between the Academy and the College, which provides each graduate with 15 college credits toward a criminal justice degree. Al Liebno, administrator of driver training for the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions (MPCTC), spoke about the requirements police officers must meet to be certified by the MPCTC, which is required of all Maryland police officers.
Additionally, the Academys board of directors Charles County Sheriff Frederick E. Davis, who serves as the boards chairman, St. Marys County Sheriff David D. Zylak, and Calvert County Sheriff Mike Evans and the class speaker, Student Officer Travis Yates, each shared remarks.
The Southern Maryland Criminal Justice Academy congratulated the following new law enforcement officers:
Charles County Sheriffs Office:
Justin M. Alpert
Raymond D. Brooks
Steven V. Bryant
Stephen W. Cartwright
Clay C. Collins
Phillip W. DeBoe
Jesse A. Garner
JaVon O. Johnson
Kevin M. Lerch
Stephen C. Miller, Jr.
James T. Plunkett
Eric E. Weaver
Travis L. Yates
Calvert County Sheriffs Office:
Johnny C. Coates
Brianne P. Gray
La Plata Police Department:
Christopher M. Davis
St. Marys College of Maryland:
Mark T. Fitzgerald
St. Marys County:
Douglas M. Harris
Joseph T. Labrack
Martin A. Mumper
Jaime L. Reithmeyer
William A. Watters
Timothy D. White
Southern Maryland Criminal Justice Academy