Cool Places to Run in Southern Maryland
The southern Maryland area is full of beautiful places to run. Here's a few to keep you busy.
St. Mary's City
The site of many 5 and 10Ks, St. Mary's City offers a mix of trails and safe roadways with remarkable scenery. Follow route 5, twenty minutes south of Leonardtown.
St. Mary's County State Park
Located in St. Mary's County between route 5, Indian Bridge Rd, Chancellors Run, and St. Andrew's Church Rd, this is a good sized park with miles of both easy and challenging trails (continually evolving based on the beaver activity) around the lake and elsewhere. The main trail head and parking is off hwy 5 just a couple miles north of Great Mills, but you access the trails from the eastern side of the county by driving/running to the end of Old Rolling Rd (Kmart) and getting on the trails there. You can follow them through the eastern park over to Indian Bridge road. At IBR, turn left and run 1 mile to a gated dirt road on the right and jump back into the park.
Submitted by Mike Erickson
Solomons Island
Surrounded by the natural beauty of the Chesapeake Bay and the Patuxent River, Solomons Island offers miles of flat, safe road running. Follow route 4 north, turn right just after the bridge.
Calvert Cliffs State Park
The utility road offers a smooth running surface, varied workout over rolling hills, and year round beauty. For the (slightly) more adventurous, the red trail offers a wonderfully scenic, sometimes a bit wet, and tranquil run to Chesapeake Bay; while the yellow trail offers a shorter, less traveled loop course.
Submitted by Garry Stiegman
Chancellor's Run Regional Park
Acres of well-kept athletic fields provide an enjoyable setting for grass and trail running. The nearly 1/2-mile circular driveway is excellent for interval training or measured distances. Located on Chancellor's Run Road.
Patuxent River Naval Air Station
For those able to gain entrance, the Navy base is one of the best locations for running in the southern Maryland area. The numerous roads and trails provide limitless possibilities for runs of virtually any distance. Located in the heart of Lexington Park.
Compiled by Bob Tracy.