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Murrah Federal Building
Oklahoma City, OK

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Enlarged photos on display at the site detail the damage.
At 0902 on April 19, 1995 an explosion rocked Oklahoma City.  The tremor from the explosion was felt forty miles away.  When it was all over, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was largely demolished.  Dozens of other nearby buildings were badly damaged by the tornado-force winds.  168 people, including 19 children were dead.  Hundreds of others were injured.

A member of our staff visited the site on April 19, 1998, three years after the tragic day and 2 years before the completion of the Memorial.  For more information on the Memorial, we suggest you visit the Oklahoma City National Memorial website.  For more information on the tragedy, please visit the CNN Oklahoma City Tragedy website.

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A sign at the site details the National Memorial that, at this time, has yet to be built.
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The "Survivors Tree."  This area was in the parking lot to the north of the building.
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A memorial adjacent to St. Joseph's Catholic Church.
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A plaque at the memorial adjacent to St. Joseph's Catholic Church.
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Visitors to the site leave symbolic remembrances on the construction fence.
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Tokens left on the fence include children's toys, poems, letters, flags, photographs and crucifixes.
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Visitors come to witness the site and pay their respects.
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More visitors to the site.  The initial impact is very emotional, especially as you view the items left on the fence.
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The local TV news team is on-site to air a special on the anniversary of the bombing.
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The site as it appeared then. As seen from Harvey and 4th street.  
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The plaque on the garage of the Murrah building.
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The First United Methodist Church across the street still undergoing repairs.
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The front of the Journal Record building. 126 people were injured here.  Will be part of the memorial property.
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The Journal Record building.  This side faced the Murrah building.
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Cameras high atop the United States Court House, directly across the street, maintain a vigil eye.

All Photographs Copyright Virtually Everything, Inc.

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