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Fire Away! by Dee Jay Gude
I know, I know...there's an enormous number of people in these United States.  And I know that they all come from different backgrounds, practice different religions and have different color skin and hair.  Some of these people even eat their french fries with mayonnaise, which makes me want to propose a new law.  But you would think, even with all these people from all these different walks of life, that we could find something, ANYTHING, that we could all, to a man, agree on.

For instance:

I feel that any right- minded person should be able to agree that guns are merely metal objects and that what you do with the gun is what counts.  No matter how long I stare at my husband's pistol, it just sits there.  It never jumps up and kills anyone and it has never left the holster (to my knowledge).  But some folks don't agree - they feel so strongly that guns are evil that they want gun manufacturers to make "smart" guns, that can only be fired by their owner.  That seems all well and good, but then you realize that the statistics show almost 60% of all persons killed with a gun were suicides.  Conversely, there are some individuals who don't like the idea of child-proof safety features for guns.  My thought is that if we are willing to child-proof aspirin, why not guns?

Then we have the great debate over what constitutes "art".  I don't feel that a religious symbol covered in feces is "art" - and I certainly don't think it should be government funded.  Express yourself on you own dime, I say.  However, there are groups of people out there who say that "artists" should have freedom of expression and that any attempt to censor them is a violation of their rights.  Of course I am referring the the Brooklyn Museum's new exhibit, "Sensation".  Mayor Rudy Giuliani has cut off $7.2 million in funding for the museum as a direct result of this obscene display, which includes a painting of a black Virgin Mary splattered with feces and pornographic cutouts,  a severed cow head, and a portrait of a serial child killer done in children's handprints.  Mayor Giuliani says the government shouldn't be subsidizing offensive or pornographic displays.  Obviously, the Brooklyn Museum feels differently.  Could we maybe all agree that we wouldn't choose this particular brand of "art" to display in our homes?

I have the strong opinion that the North American Man/Boy Love Association is nothing more than a bunch of sexual predators getting together to perfect their techniques.  However, such notables as Camille Paglia, Allen Ginsberg and Oscar Wilde have declared that this type of behavior is perfectly acceptable and should continue unrestricted.  So now we can't even agree on what constitutes child molestation.

I, of course, could go on and on in the same vein, but I think you get the point.  Opinions are based on preferences - 

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