Crosby, Timothy Eugene
Death: Saturday, November 05, 2016
Tim Crosby, DMin, Pastor at the Waldorf, Md., church, died of a heart attack on Saturday, November 5, 2016. He preached during the morning worship service and went home to rest before a scheduled afternoon meeting. He was 62.

Crosby was pastor at the Willow Brook church in Boonsboro, Md., for about 10 years before accepting a call to the Waldorf church two years ago. He and Carol, a registered nurse, were long time Hagerstown, Md., residents known for their gracious hospitality.

Tim began his pastoral ministry in the Georgia-Cumberland Conference in the 1980's. He was invited to be the writer/producer of the Voice of Prophecy daily broadcast, where for six years he was responsible for 260 15-minute programs each year. Next he worked at the Review and Herald Publishing Association, first as acquisitions editor and later as editor-at-large.

He was a prolific author, theologian, and a talented composer and keyboardist. For many years, he provided accompaniment at Chesapeake Conference's annual camp meeting. He wrote at least 11 books and contributed to many more. Additionally, he wrote sermons for Quiet Hour Ministries, and cover copy for some 200 books.

Matthew 13:52 was something of a personal motto, "Every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old." That is, one must reaffirm the old, the theological heritage of the church-using new arguments, new information, and new stories-while introducing the best of the new (ideas, music, methods).

Elder Tim Crosby will be greatly missed. Please remember Carol and family, and the Willow Brook and Waldorf congregations in prayer as they mourn their loss.

A memorial service is planned for Tuesday, November 8, at 7 p.m. at the Waldorf Seventh-day Adventist Church
11245 Berry Road
Waldorf, Maryland

"We're shocked and saddened to lose a long time pastor who has touched the lives of so many people throughout the Chesapeake Conference," said Rick Remmers, conference president. "Our prayers are with his wife Carol and their family during this time of grieving. We look forward to the reunion on Resurrection Day."

Arrangements by Briscoe-Tonic Funeral Home.

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